Sunday, April 1, 2012


Babies are little miracles. They represent the hopes and dreams of a generation. They are sponges absorbing the world around them. They are precious little gifts.

This baby was just a few days old when their parents graciously let me spend some time behind the camera with her. Taken in low light with a single window and lamp as the sole sources of light, I caught her sleeping while be fawned over by visitors.

She is precious, just like all children.


  1. Remember that when Addison puts her icy cold feet on your back at 5:30AM!!

    1. I posted this to remind myself of how cool kids are, even when they put their icy cold feet on your back.

      Funny we spend the first years of a baby's life telling to walk, talk, etc. and spend the rest of its life telling it to sit down and shut up.

  2. yes and don't get pregnant....

    very cute baby.
