Wednesday, November 7, 2012

In This Together

I have been blogging since 2004 when I wrote a private blog in the now ghost town of myspace. A tradition it seems is that I spend some time reflecting on the presidential election the day after a winner is called. Kind of a way to write down my feelings so I know how I felt when I learned the outcome. My post 4 years ago was filled with naivety that comes with having a good paying job, recently newlywed, and trying to have a baby. It is funny to go back and look at it. I know exactly how I felt, and oh how things have changed.

Today is much different. Before writing this post, I sent resumes to several potential employers hoping that one of them will get serious about hiring someone. This election, I don't sit on the lofty perch of employment. I don't have the security blanket of a paycheck in a couple of weeks. I am faced with a reality that I have a very qualified wife who is terrific at what she does, who works her butt off at a job she doesn't like most days, who can't get a job interview for a better job despite her college degree because she is in that catch 22 situation. They want experience, but no one wants to give her a chance for her to gain new experience. I am faced with the reality that for the first time I am not the major bread-winner in the house.

I can tell you this. You will not find a harder working person on the planet than my wife. I am in awe of her. She is the only person I know who worked nearly full-time, went to school nearly full-time, was a mother nearly full-time and still had a smile on her face when I came home and told her I lost my job. She is the only woman I can imagine that wouldn't leave me immediately upon my arrival home. To be honest I am still nervous about that aspect with every week I have to collect unemployment.

I have been humbled by my wife and last night when we sat up watching the returns, she was upset. Upset that no matter the outcome of the election, we still didn't have jobs that created the lifestyle we saw for ourselves. We were still living paycheck to paycheck. We don't own our home and every month that dream gets further in the distance.

My wife said last night, "There are no options for us. We didn't come from a poor family, we didn't come from a rich family, and we didn't serve the military. There are no options for people who worked their ass off to get through college and are struggling right now." This sums up how I feel too. It feels that if you came from a poor family there are programs to get a free education, and if you came from a rich family they paid for your education, serve in the military and you get college via the GI Bill and the ability to enter the workforce as a college graduate with ZERO college debt.

I feel marginalized. I feel like despite our best intentions we (me and my family, not the country as a whole) are at a fork in the road; to the left is a welfare state which we qualify for and to the right is the fantasy land of a prosperous future that is shoved down our throats by our politicians, but rarely reaps the rewards promised to us.

The answer to our problems is not the partisan bickering that comes with a political campaign. The answer is somewhere in the middle of the rhetoric. It is a Republican looking at a Democrat and asking, "how do we get this done?" It is a Democrat looking at a Republican and asking, "How can we work together to do this?" It is both parties looking at a 3rd party candidate and taking them seriously and respecting their ideas, because most 3rd party politicians have answers that are the center. It is making companies feel comfortable to hire people and take chances again.

It has been almost 6 months since I lost my job. It has been 11 months since Jenn graduated college. I feel lost in a sea of uncertainty. I don't want a hand out. I want a hand up. I want an opportunity to prove that I can do any job I apply for. I want someone to start thinking like an American again and start taking chances on someone who may not fit their mold exactly.

I am optimistic despite our situation. I know exactly what I want to do with my life. I have spent the summer trying to blaze my trail and stand out. This week, let's hope that with this election over, things start to break loose for me, my family, and for you too.

This is not the fault of Republicans, Democrats, red states, blue states and this post isn't designed to put blame on anyone. This is to remind us that our collective eyes are off the ball. We stopped believing in our neighbors. We forgot.

We are all in this together.


  1. I love your optimism despite the set backs you have had. Good luck friend, with that attitude you will make it.

    1. Thank you Laura,

      You are amazing, and we love it when you come round these parts.

  2. beautifully written, thinking and praying that something heads both of your ways soon.

    1. Alexa,

      Thank you for the prayers, and this comment. It has made my day.

  3. So ver eloquent. It resonates with me because of my own large student loan debt and struggling to save for my childrens' educations despite having stable jobs. I hope someone takes a risk on you and your wife very soon.

    1. Courtney,

      Thanks so much. Student Loan debt is the single largest thing hanging over the heads of so many people. The scary prospect is that it takes years to pay, decades really, and as of late, all the benefit of being educated is taken away by having to pay for that education. I am confident we will find our dream jobs very soon.

      Thanks again

  4. You are both so very lucky to have each other as the good times and bad. I have a strong feeling that the (near) future is bright for you and your wife.

    1. I sure hope you're right. Thank you for stopping by.

  5. Well, if it is any "hope" to you....I've been praying for you guys, as I prayed I also prayed I'd get exempted from the flu shot. We know how that turned out!!! :) The last time I prayed with such disparity was when I was faced with finding a place to live, finding a job, and finding love. God answered all three of those prayers within a few weeks of each other. So....that being said.....I got my exemption, so if God is on track, something is coming down the pike for you guys real soon too!

    1. Mom, thank you as always. It just seems to get harder and harder. I feel so beaten down. I hope something gives...and very soon.

  6. Hang in there... I KNOW how glum it can seem. Hopefully something will come through for both of you soon. I am keeping you in my prayers. Love to your family!

  7. isn't having an amazing wife great? Though I'm sure you draw strength from one another no matter what it feels like. When I was laid off and my wife had to shoulder the burden I felt it every single day. It weighed on me and hurt that she had to work so hard and I was unable to help in a meaningful way. I know what you are feeling but honestly that is what love and family is about. It was tough and the constant sending/waiting is or can be crushing. I even stopped looking solely for what I wanted/knew I could do. The museum guard position came just in time--though clearly is not my passion or dream. It keeps us afloat though honestly not as steadily as I hope. It helps me and more importantly us keep plugging at our dreams and goals and I know we will meet and surpass them because of each other. Just keep positive as hard as it can be sometimes. Remember many people care about you all and are thinking about you. If there is every anything I can do just ask...even if its just chatting, drinks, coffee hanging or whatever. I found that it was good to get out or in and hang with good peeps to clear my mind and heart. Sending good juju your way!

    1. It is the MOST amazing thing on the planet having a great wife. I draw strength from her, and I hope she does the same for me. Not being able to shoulder the heavy lifting has killed me, every. single. month. What kills her is that she cannot contribute more.

      Thank you for sending good juju. I will take all I can get right now. It has been a tough week for us and I thank you for every single character in your comment.

      Thank you a million times.
