Monday, February 11, 2013

Opening Weekend

Miss Greater Cleveland 2012, Meggie Wittman plays Laurey in MGP's 2013 production of Oklahoma!

When my wife goaded me into doing this year's latest show for Mighty Goliath Productions, I was hesitant. I am not known for my singing and dancing and all through high school and adulthood, I considered myself a pretty terrible singer and dancer. But nonetheless all my typical excuses for not doing the show were useless this year. I didn't have a job so I had some time on my hands in the evenings so I reluctantly agreed.

After a few weeks of rehearsals, I started to get into it. Once we moved onto the stage and started blocking scenes with actual set pieces and suddenly the show started to come to life, I really started to get into it. Besides being front and center in a tap dance piece, I am also up front for a lot of other numbers too.

I never realized how much I do actually enjoy being on stage. I haven't been on stage like this since my Sophomore year in High School. It is really energizing, and more importantly I had a lot of fun. No wonder why my wife has been doing this for close to 17 years and counting.

Throughout the process of doing this show, one thing driving me to get past my insecurity to get on stage was something more important. Mighty Goliath Productions is not a for-profit production company. It is a true volunteer organization all the way down to the director and production team. All profits go to the Avon Lake Performing Arts programs in the school system, giving them support in the world of failing levies and cut backs. To date the program has gifted over $200,000 to Avon Lake's schools.

Performing arts are culture. They expose you to a whole new level of experiences, and more importantly they force you to use your imagination. This is a cause that I believe in, and now that I have done a show in an organization my grandmother was a founding member of in 1959, well, it just seems right.

There are two more shows this weekend. Friday and Saturday 7:30pm at the Avon Lake High School Performing Arts Center. Head to for more information.


  1. Would love to see the show but alas I am too far. Break a leg.

  2. Yep! He actually tap danced and sang! I was impressed and had a little "proud mom" moment. Grandma started with the first show in 1959 doing costumes and continued until her last show in 1980, well after all us kids were out of school! And now her grandson and great granddaughter are continuing the tradition. My generation didn't have any interest in doing the shows but we attended them every year.
