Wednesday, March 20, 2013


My first post on this blog was in reference to the shooting in Chardon a year ago accompanied by the above photo. It was a terrible scene in Chardon on the February day, but in the end something was inherently different about this school shooting from others. The shooter was captured, plead guilty, and convicted. Yesterday he was sentenced to three life sentences for killing Daniel Parmertor, Russel King Jr., and Demitrius Hewlin in cold blood.

The court room was a mess and the judge, according to an official statement, didn't see the shirt he was wearing or stop the lewd behavior which was meant to shock and disrespect the families of these boys who are now with huge holes in their hearts.

Little has been said about the kids who were killed other that they were young boys who died way too young. But if you ask people about who this killer was they can tell you over and over his life story. Where he came from, what kind of trouble his family was in, and what kind of monster this person was.

The scary part about this monster is that, like the Joker in Batman, some people just want to see the world burn. There is no rhyme or reason to what they do. They are just monsters and yet, we can't stop talking about them.

The bigger story that is often missed is that the three boys who passed away saved more lives than their killer took from this world. Through organ donation they were able to save others. It was a brave thing their families did and a decision not to be made lightly. But from 3 victims, 16 were saved with their life saving organs. Finding a silver lining in a tragedy is tough, but Daniel, Demitrius, and Russel did not die in vein and their legacy lives on, in the bodies of the ones they saved.

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