Saturday, January 26, 2013

Jesus Wept

Panorama shot of Our Lady of Peace from my seat *click to enlarge*
It's hard to say that I had a good time at a funeral. But when I say I had a good time at Dani's funeral today, understand this is exactly how she would have wanted it.

This year was to be the "Year of Dani" as she often put it. She had a plan to get herself together physically, spiritually, and professionally. She dubbed this effort "Operation Daffodil". The daffodil symbolizes rebirth and new beginnings. This year Danielle wanted to begin anew and bring herself back to center. With Danielle's passing, it looks like her rebirth and new beginning has realized itself. She completed "Operation Daffodil" this past Sunday, nearly a week ago, when she slipped the bonds of this Earth and ascended into the choirs of Heaven.

"Operation Daffodil" Thank you to Mary Anne,
a long time friend of Danielle's for
giving me this daffodil
You may not believe in this vision of the afterlife, but Danielle did. During her funeral mass her faith was described in the Homily. She loved her church, her priests, and all that came with it. The exciting stuff like singing every Sunday, and the mundane, like organizing a parish raffle. As I looked up at the ceiling, feeling tears coming, I noticed a small detail. The lights directly above my head, hanging from the ceiling, was swaying. I looked at all the others and they were still, but the one above my head swayed gently the entire time.

After communion Jim Donovan took the pulpit to deliver a eulogy to end all eulogies. Jim described Danielle's life with all the passion and excitement as a Browns game on Sundays. At times his memories shed tears, and within minutes he had us all laughing as he recounted fond memory after fond memory. He gave us comfort. He gave us closure. Laughter is the best medicine, and even as we all laughed, we still had tears shrink wrapped on our eyes. At the end of the eulogy Jim offered a prediction. Danielle was the biggest Indians fan in all of Cleveland, and now that she is passed he predicted that the Indians will win the World Series this year, because now they have someone in Heaven that can effect their game.

As we left behind Danielle's casket flanked with co-workers, friends, and family I took a quick look back at that light above where I sat. It was motionless.

Danielle had left the building and Jesus wept.


  1. You captured it all right here Adam and did it beautifully. So much emotion and so much pain in one building but balanced by so much love. Thank you.

    1. The love in that room was palpable. The energy electric as Jim delivered the Eulogy. I haven't been moved like that at church in a long long time. Now I know why Danielle loved it there so much.

    2. What a wonderful way to remember her....I'm sure she was there with all of you. And the Daffodil idea...inspiring to say the least. Having someone like her that touched so many lives truly says she had a purpose and her purpose lives on thru all of you.
      My deepest sympathy to all.

    3. She touched so many lives from many walks of life. When you see how large of a net she cast, you have to sit back and just be in awe of the energy she had for life.

  2. Dani posted often about Operation Daffodil so I made a bunch of lapel pins, Adam is sporting one in the photo above, and gave them to her family to wear in her honor and when they followed her into church this morning I saw Daffodils and cried. So Operation Daffodil got its kick off today with much love.
