Sunday, January 20, 2013

Remembering a Friend

Danielle (purple shirt) giving a tour of WKYC to the PIO MOD Squad on Friday January 18, 2013
There are never enough good words to describe who or what Danielle was to all of us. She was full of life and energy. Devoted to her work, her friends, her family, and above all else God. She always spoke of her mother who had passed like she was just on a vacation. 

If you followed her on Twitter you found her enthusiasm for life infectious. She was always upbeat and positive despite reasons to be anything but. She meant so much to so many and we can all create entire Thesaurus' devoted to words that could describe her. The best way to remember someone is to tell stories. 

Danielle and I had a lot of fun this past summer. We both covered the "Hotter in Cleveland" full scale disaster drill. That's where we met. We had so much fun. We would ask the wet behind the ears intern that was with us these strange questions, and dammit if he didn't find answers to them. We had great fun. Later in the Summer we sailed on the USS DeWert to Detroit with another friend Erica Creech from the Department of Safety. That trip was amazing despite how it ended. We both had bags stolen from a car while we ate dinner, but in the end her optimism about the situation was amazing and kept me from falling into a depression about it. I was fortunate to attend a Tribe game with Danielle. If you want to see a true fan, Danielle is your girl. Where many of us have abandon the team like a condemned building, she pulled on her HAZMAT suit and hung in there. She was so excited about the pending 2013 season. 

Danielle (left) at "Hotter in Cleveland" 
Today when I learned she had passed, I learned a lot about Danielle. I learned she was my biggest cheerleader and fan. She liked my photography and she told a lot of folks about it. I have gotten direct messages all afternoon telling me that she said all these things about me. I had no idea. Danielle was the reason I was on TV this past week. She gave all she could to her friends. She really showed them she cared at all times. If you tweeted you were having a bad day, she was there trying to lift you up. I am forever grateful for all the words of encouragement she has given me. I continue to be inspired by her life and how many lives she touched. I am glad I could and can call her my friend.

This past Friday was the last time I saw and spoke with Danielle. She was giving a tour of Channel 3 to, what I would call, the PIO MOD Squad. Most folks would be a good host and get us drinks, but Danielle took it step further and got us dinner and snacks. She always went above and beyond for her friends and colleagues, you will hear this anytime someone talks about her.

I can't imagine the hurt and pain WKYC is feeling in their newsroom. All of Cleveland is mourning tonight. Danielle will be missed, but I know she is dancing with her mother now. 

Danielle you are loved. You are missed. It was a privilege to call you a friend. 

This is not good-bye. This is just see you later. 


  1. I just wanted to say thank you for writing this wonderful blog about Danielle. My husband and I found her early Sunday morning off the side of the road. My heart sunk into my stomach and has stayed there ever since. We cannot imagine what her friends and family are going through. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all. This blog has settled some heart-sickness. I hope to be as positive a person as you have described her to be.

    We are so sorry for your loss - and Cleveland's loss. It sounds as though it will take a very special person to attempt to fill her shoes.

    1. Thank you so much for finding her. There is no telling how many folks drove past and didn't think twice. I pride myself on being the person who stops, no matter what when it looks like someone needs help.

      Danielle meant the world to a ton of people, especially to those who were close to her.

      She was my biggest fan, and I hers.

      Thank you for leaving a comment. It brings comfort that folks like you try to help when they can, even if it is as simple as calling 911 when they see a car off the road. Thank you so much.

  2. I used to work at WKYC-News' assignment desk in the 90s and would often follow Danielle's shift. She was a good colleague & will be missed. Michael Keating, Atlanta

    1. Michael, thank you for stopping by and commenting. Danielle always had a way to connect people who would have normally never interacted before. Since she has passed she has brought so many new and wonderful folks into my life and I have loved it. I wish there would have been a different way for her to do it, but she always said, He had a plan, and this must have been her plan. We all have an angel looking down on us all. She will be with us always.
